Bow hunting catalogs are not only fun for the bow hunter to browse through, but they are a good resource for many new products on the market. Buying from a catalog or online can be very convenient, but there are some things to consider before handing over your credit card.
For a first-time bowhunter ordering online or from a catalog is not the way to go. A bow should fit the hunter perfectly, and buying from the local outfitter is the only way to ensure that perfect fit. Getting the advice of an archery expert at the local store can make all the difference in your hunt, and will often be the difference between using equipment for years to come, and not even using it through the season.
It is essential that a hunter get the proper pull weight for his bow. Often times hunters choose pull weights that are too high for them; they think that the more they hunt, the more their muscles will develop and grow into the pull weight. This is the biggest mistake a hunter can make, all too often the hunter will end up not even using the bow because it is too difficult, or it's not right for the type of game the hunter wishes to hunt. A stiffer bow isn't always the right choice. This is where the archery expert becomes essential, he knows how the bow should feel, and can give you recommendations based on his experience.
If, however, you are an experienced bow hunter, ordering from a catalog may be the route to go. If a piece of equipment needs replacing, a hunter often knows exactly what he is looking for. Catalogs and online stores often offer great sales and discounts that a hunter can take advantage of. The only word of advice is to be sure that the company is a reputable one. Many outside websites offer reviews of online shops and stores; a search in Yahoo! or Google can give a hunter a heads up about the company he's purchasing from. Make sure the company has a good return policy for damaged merchandise, and many even have a short term guarantee. Lastly, when ordering anything online, be sure the site offers secure payment transactions. There will often be a little lock icon in the lower right-hand corner of the screen to ensure security. Following these few general guidelines allows the hunter to reap the many benefits of buying from the convenience of his own home.
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